# Psychotopology > [!mynote] UPDATE: November, 2023 > > Please consider this a public archive of psychotopology’s history of development. There is much more to add — this is probably about 25% of what I would like to include here. Eventually, I would like to roll this history into the founding of an institute devoted to continuing the development and application of psychotopology into the future. > > However, much of what is here is no longer congruent with my current way of speaking about the work. Plus, it’s pretty messy and raw. Therefore, this is not the best place for you to learn about it. > > To learn about psychotopology, please begin with my much more carefully crafted articles on [my Substack publication](https://frontiers.psychotopology.com/about) (coming soon), and consider subscribing there for continuing development. You can also learn there about the upcoming launch of the psychotopology community of practice, research and collaboration. > *** ## Reaching Forward in Understanding Ourselves > [!mynote]- Please start here. _(Click to open.)_ > > If this is your first time here, please read: > > a) [[The-Big-Picture|The Big Picture]] for a quick overview of the role of psychotopology in helping us move humanity forward. > > > b) My [[Statement-of-Position-Commitment|Statement of Position and Commitment]] for the best summary of what this website is attempting to do. > ### Current Writing This is a work in progress, where I will continue to develop a presentation of my current understanding of psychotopology and what it means to us all. %%Code%%<span class="button-lg">[[Current-Work|Current Work]]</span> ### Feelingwork Video Series In early 2021, I put together a series of videos and other media to support you engaging the Feelingwork practice on your own. Experience is essential to fully understand the insights of psychotopology, and this is one way to gain that experience. %%Code%%<span class="button-lg">[[Feelingwork-Video-Series|Feelingwork Video Series]]</span> ### Archive (all the way back to 1996) It’s been a long road, and I intend to share the major milestones as well as many of the landmarks along the way. Already included are several book drafts. Coming are various articles and explorations produced over the years. %%Code%%<span class="button-lg">[[Archive-Contents|View the Archive]]</span> ### My Inner Work (all the way back to 1995) Over time, I will be posting a great number of deep excursions into the dark chambers of my inner world. I share this as a record of a long journey. Currently there are scattered representations of the first major work I ever did, breaking my bipolar cycle, all the way to a series of arduous journeys leading into and through 2022. %%Code%%<span class="button-lg">[[My-Inner-Work|My Inner Work]]</span> ### My Work with Others (all the way back to 1996) These include transcripts and other documentation of work with volunteers, students, and clients shared with their permission. A few examples have been posted, but many more are on the way, including a couple of epic explorations with intrepid feelingmind pioneers. %%Code%%<span class="button-lg">[[My-Work-with-Others|My Work with Others]]</span>